Sunday, October 9, 2016

Be careful when you choose a red fruit this

In the health sector, consumption of watermelon fruit regularly will be able to keep the immune system against various diseases. Or in other words, the benefits of watermelon for health was able to prevent the emergence of various kinds of diseases.

1. Maintain kidney health
The kidney is a vital organ that exists in our body, the absence of renal blood in the body will not be clean and free from toxins.
Watermelon fruit consumption is believed to be able to help the performance of the kidneys because this fruit one contains potassium which is quite high. Potassium content is believed able to dissolve a wide range of toxins and impurities on the part of the kidney.
Not only is beneficial to maintaining the health of the kidneys, but the potassium can also suppress excess levels of uric acid in your body.

2. Prevent canker sores
Canker sores can appear due to dry mouth and influence of germs. To overcome this problem you can consume watermelon fruit rich in water and vitamins.
With a high moisture content and vitamin C, fruit watermelon was nice enough to treat mouth ulcers that you are suffering. Benefits of watermelon one are almost similar to the benefits of citrus fruits rich in vitamin C.

3. Reduce the risk of hypertension and stroke
The emergence of hypertension and strokes can be caused due to the hardening of blood vessel walls and even narrowing. Watermelon fruit contains carotenoids that are believed to be able to prevent the hardening of blood vessel walls/vein.
By eating watermelon fruit regularly, then hardening of blood vessel walls will not happen and diseases of hypertension or stroke can be prevented to the maximum.

4. Maintain heart health
Watermelon fruit benefits related heart may appear due to potassium. Potassium content in addition to beneficial dissolve dirt on the kidneys, the content is also good enough to clean the plaque on the walls of blood vessels.
This is the plaque that often leads to the appearance of a heart attack. As we know, the heart attack is the number one killer disease in the world, almost every 1-minute man died of the disease.

5. Source of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
Watermelon fruit rich in phenol compounds such as flavonoids, carotenoids, and triterpenoid. Carotenoids and flavonoids each act to reduce inflammation resulting from free radical radiation harmful to the body.
As for the content of triterpenoid believed able to act as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant that can enhance our immune system attack against various diseases.

6. Reduce muscle pain
After working out the exact muscle will feel pain, to treat the condition you can consume watermelon fruit regularly.
According to the fruit of this one is very good to reduce muscle soreness after a workout, even watermelon is also widely consumed by athletes
Nationally and internationally.
The emergence of the watermelon fruit benefits for muscle pain is caused due to the content of the amino acid L-Citrulline. The content of this nature as a builder of muscle cells that have been damaged.

7. Increase the power men
Here're a watermelon fruit benefits most by Adam. According to Dr. Chimu Patel, Director of Texas A&M's Fruit and Vegetable Improvement Center in College Station, quoted from ScienceDaily, fruit watermelon contains various
Not simply increase the power of the men only, but the natural mineral content turns out to be also very useful to increase stamina in women.

Watermelon fruit benefits indeed for the health of large enough, but don't underestimate the benefits of watermelon for beauty. Because this fruit one believed capable of enhancing the beauty of a woman is naturally from the inside.

8. Watermelon anti premature aging
Who the heck wants her skin aging:? Certainly, everyone wants to always appear youthful. Well to realize the skin appear youthful, please you consume watermelon fruit regularly.
According to experts, the watermelon fruit contains vitamin C and A is pure as an antioxidant. The nature of this is useful to ward off free radicals cause wrinkles, wrinkles and lines on the face of the sign of premature aging.
Better yet, you also offset the watermelon consumption by using masks the fruit watermelon. Do I simply puree fruit watermelon and use as a facial mask 30 minutes.

9. Keep your skin moist
Watermelon fruit benefits for the next beauty is able to keep
The moisture of the skin. For those of you who have dry skin, watermelon fruit regularly. Because with a fairly high moisture content, the fruit watermelon will make your skin appear more moisturized naturally.

10. Reduce excess oil on the face
The emergence of excess oil on the face can be caused by the presence of large pores. With vitamin A, watermelon fruit is believed able to shrink facial pores and prevent excessive oil appears.
You can get the benefits of watermelon fruit by using it as a face mask on a regular basis before going to bed that night and woke up early every day.

11. Capable of rejuvenating skin cells
Watermelon fruit benefits for beauty is able to rejuvenate skin cells. The fruit of this one contains various nutrients, including vitamin up to natural minerals.
Watermelon nutritional contents this is the required skin to do the new cells. You can get the skin bright by using masks the fruit watermelon after a bath.
That's some watermelon fruit benefits for health and beauty that I can tell. For all the benefits of watermelon above you can get, please consume regularly every day.

May be helpful ...!

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