Monday, October 10, 2016

3 quick ways to remove wrinkles on the face

Wrinkles make you look ugly
In addition due to aging, wrinkles can also be caused due to some bad habits. Starting from smoking, sunlight, lack of sleep, alcohol consumption, and so on. It's good if you want to prevent wrinkles, avoid bad habits.
To get rid of wrinkles on your own, there are actually lots of ways that you can be reached. Be it naturally or medical care. Prior to medical treatment, it is better to apply a natural way first. Because of the way remove wrinkles with medically not necessarily ensure the level of security.
Eliminate wrinkles on the forehead and face right now!
Remove wrinkles under the eyes and the forehead is not too difficult. Here there are some

1. Apply a cream or serum eye
Cream and serum eye serves to moisturize the area around the eyes. With moist skin conditions, then any wrinkles can be resolved easily. You can apply the cream every night before bed, while the serum can be used on a regular basis at least once a week only.
The serum is very beneficial for skin tightening, so is excellent for removing wrinkles under the eyes.

2. using a wet rag
Patting section wrinkles using a wet rag as it turns out is also quite effective for eliminating wrinkles in the face. The way the soft cloth is given warm water, then Pat-Pat on the bottom of the eyes or forehead.
Try ditepuk-tepuk it's all wrinkled piece evenly. This very effective way is done before you sleep and after waking up in the morning (before the break).

3. Consume plenty of water white
White water is not only beneficial to maintain fluid balance in the body, but also turned out to be good enough to keep the skin moist.
With the State of the skin is moist, then any wrinkles may be lost. Ideally, according to the experts, you are advised to white water consumption by as much as 8 glasses a day.

4. Milk and honey
Milk and honey is a fairly complete nutrition sources. Honey is a humectant contains compounds can absorb and retain moisture to the skin, so that it can help keep the skin elasticity and overcome the appearance of wrinkles.
While the milk contains lactic acid, which is quite high. Lactic acid will help clean up the poo-poo that is found deep in the pores of the skin. As a result, collagen secreted can also optimally.
How to remove wrinkles with milk and honey:
-Combine if 1 tbsp (15 ml) honey with 1/2 tbsp (7, 5 ml) of organic milk or fresh milk. Stir-stir until all ingredients are well blended
-Pijatkan mixture to the face that is experiencing wrinkles. Let stand until the sink if 30 minutes
-After that, rinse with warm water until clean.

5. Exfoliate with lemon juice and sugar
Lemon juice contains citric acid, which is quite high, where this content is both abrasive and useful for removing dead skin cells causes wrinkles on the face. In addition, the content of vitamin C in a lemon can also act to increase production of collagen in the skin of the face.
While the sugar itself contains glycolic acid which can repair damaged skin cells. Mix the two ingredients naturally this could be ingredients exfoliate or scrubing wrinkles in the face.

6. apply the egg white mask
Egg whites are a source of protein that is high enough. The protein content is very nutritious to repair skin cells that have been damaged. So it is very good to speed up the regeneration of new skin cells.
In addition, the egg whites also consequential astrigen. Its nature is what can make the skin appear firmer and free from the problem of wrinkles. Even in the use of s. 1 d 2 times you can already enjoy the results.

7. Water Use lemon balm
Lemon balm is an herb from the mint family plants. Plant this one contains compounds that are astrigen. The compound can remove wrinkles quickly, yet his nature only sementa
ow to remove wrinkles with lemon balm:

8. Wash the face with olive oil
Wash your face using oils containing linoleic acid may help to keep skin hydrated, so that always were able to reduce the effects of wrinkles. You can use olive oil and oil the notabenya carrot contains linoleic acid is quite high.
How to remove wrinkles with olive oil:
Double-2 tsp (10ml) oil olive oil or olive oil with 2 drops of carrot oil. If there is no carrot oil, you can use the juice of carrot water

9. Facial massage routine
Short massage can help eliminate wrinkles in the face quickly. Try massaging the only on that part of the lymph nodes, it is aiming for a net drain of excess water weight in the face. So that wrinkles can disappear easily.
How to remove wrinkles with massaging-Massage section of wrinkles by using a circular motion, first massaging with just your index finger and middle finger

10. Monitor you diet
The foods that you consume during a diet, actually can be very influential to the quality of the skin. Foods containing antioxidants effectively enough to prevent the bad effects of free radicals, one of which is the Sun
You can eat foods rich in antioxidants like fruit berries (strawberries, blueberries, blacberry, etc.), meat, eggs, chocolate, and so on. In addition fill also the intake of vitamins A, B complex, C, and e. You can get all the nutrients from fruits and vegetables.
How to mate, easy right? Such is the way of removing wrinkles on the face, forehead, and eyes down quickly. For maximum results, apply these tips above are routinely and consistently each day. But if there is a less obvious, you can ask through the comment field. Good luck at home!

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