Friday, June 10, 2016

10 Bad Habits That Are Not Good For Health

You probably already know that the bad habits that are not good for the health of body and mind. However, until you find yourself constable difficult to realize. Does it skip breakfast or biting nails, turned a bit 'too much to drink (and too often) or spend too many hours in front of the tv, it is good to put an end to this and other unhealthy crime. Below 10 bad habits that sconterebbero more than 10 years, if you do not stop immediately. 
10 Bad Habits That Are Not Good For Health

When it comes to drinking alcohol, there is no need for moderation. The problem is not so much to drink, but how much you drink. A glass of wine on the table while you eat, it's also good because it can reduce the risk of heart disease by helping to increase the HDL or good cholesterol. However, even if you take the bad habit of drinking three or more glasses of wine a day.

Now everyone knows that smoking is bad, especially increasing the risk of heart disease, . dementia. A study conducted by the Aristotle university of Thessaloniki, Greece, found that, over time, smoking can affect taste. Smoking can make it harder to enjoy the natural flavors of fruits and vegetables and other healthy foods, so it also tends to always add salt and sugar to the plate, making them less healthy. In short, smoking is bad in different ways, so it is best to stop as soon as possible and restore what has been lost so far.

Eating even when not hungry
The trigger compulsive eating in a person needs (only psychologically) to eat all the time. If you eat even when you are not hungry it is possible to jump even the main meal, also lose vital nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. In this way, the body has a phase and at the end, you are no longer able to recognize when the body really needs food and if not, definitely gaining weight. Therefore, we should try to respect the schedule of main meals, and avoid compulsive eating, usually caused by anxiety and stress, but also by the excessive consumption of unhealthy foods and snacks.

Nail biting
Bad habit of biting your nails, if for anxiety and nervousness, also known as nail biting. Unfortunately, this habit is not healthy because the germs on your hands and under fingernails travel well in your mouth and into the body. This happens even if you wash your hands frequently, or if you use antibacterial lotion. In addition, more precisely the bacteria lurking  nails because it may cause to have frequent colds or flu and bacterial infections.

Eating too fast
If you eat too fast it does not allow time for the body, especially the brain and the digestive system, to realize how much you eat. Over time, this not only leads to eating more and more, and then put on weight, but also can increase the risk of suffering from abdominal bloating and heartburn. Eating more slowly allows the stomach to understand when you are satisfied or dissatisfied with their food. You then have to chew what you eat, avoid swallowing it all at once, without chewing. Take the time necessary to enjoy the best of each dish, have a conversation with your visitors between mouthfuls.

Skip breakfast
How many  meals of the day? In fact, it is true. Skipping the first meal can slow down your metabolism and make more hungry later on. It can also cause a lack of energy because you do not eat anything before you start your morning. You must supply the body with enough energy to start doing activities well. Then breakfast with whole grains, fruits, wheat, tea, or other healthy foods is the best way to avoid energy losses and adjust hungry during the day.

Too much tv
Spending too much time watching television makes less and less active. Inactivity is more and more down the willingness to perform and destroy their creativity. Also, when you watch tv you tend to eat unhealthy snacks, other bad habits that increase the intake of empty calories and other substances that are not good for the body. All this inevitably leads to lifestyle and healthy.

Ignoring sex life
Work-related stress, lack . If you notice a reduction in sexual desire, it is better to consult your doctor. Stress is just the beginning of a series of causes of low libido, which may be caused by damage to the thyroid gland, hormonal imbalance, hypertension, and other disorders that can worsen with time.

Little sleep
Lack of sleep can cause a lot of problems: depression, low libido, weight gain, lack of energy, loss of interest and other disorders. It is important to sleep about 7-8 hours a night, avoid sleeping during the day. A 20-30 minute nap in the afternoon is fine, but do not overdo it otherwise you will hinder the dream-waking rhythm. Chronic insomnia, over time, can lead to diabetes, stroke, heart disease,  lack of attention and concentration,

A bad relationship

If you are not satisfied with the relationship with your partner or friends, it is best to cut. You can get to develop symptoms of depression as well as bad habits (lack of exercise, lack of appetite and so on). Stuck in the wrong relationship also prevents to develop their potential. Often what you tolerate, accept and tolerate relationships that are under their standards, even unconsciously, is to accept the standards fall below what you actually see.

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10 Bad Habits That Are Not Good For Health
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