Sunday, June 12, 2016

Gene Therapy To Restore Health

Now there are several methods of gene therapy to restore the health of more sophisticated practices such as gene therapy, this method is intended to transfer genetic material with the aim of preventing or curing diseases. In many cases, a genetic disease where the gene is damaged or this method does not involve the transfer of functional version of the gene for the disease of the body, in order to correct the defects. It's a very simple idea, but as we will see its practical realization has several problems that must be faced.
Gene Therapy To Restore Health

That is done first is the isolation of genes.
genes are part of the DNA that contains the information needed to synthesize proteins. Aims to transfer the gene transfer is a particular section of DNA.
Genetic diseases are caused by different genetic changes. The first action in this method is to identify the genes responsible for this disease. with molecular biology techniques, you can buy a piece of DNA that contain genes. This step is called isolation or cloning of genes.
interference when gene therapy.
with the advances in molecular biology first step is relatively simple. When the isolation of many genes that cause genetic diseases, can be found every week.
This situation shows what the purpose of gene transfer. the action of in vivo methods It consists in transferring DNA into tissues or cells from the patient.

ex vivo procedure, DNA is first transferred to the previously isolated cells grown in the laboratory. Network isolated cells thus modified and can be introduced into the patient. Then this method is indirect and more time consuming but offers the advantage of the better efficiency of the transfer and the ability to select and enlarge the modified cells prior to reintroduction do.

When the Transfer of DNA in vivo has the same goal of genes transferred into the cell, the gene must produce large amounts of protein to correct a genetic defect that occurs.
when injecting DNA into cells or tissue being treated. Because these systems are highly inefficient when DNA has almost no effect on the cells. This step requires an injection of single cells or cells from the patient.

Even all the techniques for transferring genetic material involves the use of vectors to transport the DNA into the host cell. methods of gene therapy to restore health help many people.

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Gene Therapy To Restore Health
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