Friday, June 10, 2016

Physical Therapy For Lung Patients

Physical Therapy For Lung Patients very helpful on the chest occurs when the alveoli of the lungs are damaged. It has an influence on lung capacity to introduce new air, making breathing difficult, especially respiratory. This condition is commonly associated with problems such as emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Some breathing exercises and cardiovascular training can improve respiratory function.
Physical Therapy For Lung Patients

Breathing through pursed lips
Contracts lips and inhale for two seconds through a narrow slit. Exhale for four seconds, always keep lips pursed. Continue to breathe this way for one or two minutes. Holds a narrow lip helps to warm and humidify the air before it enters the body, making it easier for filtration by the lungs. Next, exhale for a period longer than the inhalation helps to offset the slow breathing that primarily affects those who suffer from COPD.

Walking is a low impact exercise is useful for maintaining a healthy weight is good, improve circulation and improve lung function. However, people with lung may have some difficulty in walking. Sometimes you walk you can be shortness of breath, so you should start with a short stroll. For example, you can start by making a 5-minute walk away or try to get to a point which is not far from home, and then gradually increase the distance.
As you walk, try to exhale for twice as long compared with inhalation. To help, you may want to count the breaths in accordance with the steps you make. For example, you can breathe for one, two or three steps and exhale for six steps below. Practicing this breathing every time you walk in a way that becomes a habit.
If during the walk you have trouble breathing and you feel short of breath, stop and rest for two or three minutes.

Breathing high elbow
To perform this exercise, sit with their feet slightly spaced from one another. Raise your elbows to the side to bring them to the level of the shoulder. Touching fingertips, which should be at the front of the chest. Now, inhale slowly while pushing the rear elbow and fingers are separated. After reaching the maximum possible distance, thereby expanding the chest, exhale, lower the arms and return to starting position. Make this breathing for two or three minutes.

Circles with your elbows
For this exercise, sit with your feet slightly apart. Elevate the elbow sideways to bring them to shoulder height. Put your hand on his shoulder. Make a slow circular motion, lift the elbows, then pulled back, lower them and then returned them to continue upward. Exhale when starting a rotating movement, and inhale as you complete the circle. Do this exercise for two or three minutes.

Quit smoking
This is not an exercise but a necessary suggestion for smokers. Note that cigarette smoke, and air pollution is a major cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and emphysema, and lung cancer and other problems related to breathing (and so on). Therefore, you should quit smoking. In mild cases hyper-expansion chest, even quitting smoking can be a major solution to this problem.
It is advisable to do exercises for the lungs regularly, at least every other day if you can not do it every day.

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Physical Therapy For Lung Patients
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